2014. február 20., csütörtök

Egy fehér bálna üzenete 02.20.

Egy fehér bálna üzenete
 Spirit Animal Whale♡°☮*´¨`*•.¸♥♡♥¸.•*´¨☮°

picture sent to us by a beautiful pod mate today

As I was preparing to post it was obvious there was something that needed to be said by this brilliant BEing. So I sat down and calmed and quieted my heart and soul and I listened.

Anastasia:  Do you have a message for our Pod?

Spirit Animal - The difference between you and we (the white ones) is the time we have spent in communion with God and in silence getting to know who we are. This is not a difficult thing to do. It is a path that takes diligence, strength and endurance but it is a beautiful path for whoever chooses to embark upon a journey like this.

I am speaking for the white animals today upon your Planet. Humans RISE UP, you are spectacular creations of our Creator. You have so much potential within yourself and limits only exist in the world of illusion now. Spread your wings. Clear the dust off your hearts and souls. PARTICIPATE in LIFE - engage your hearts. The times are made now for those to move ahead without the difficulty that others have found before you.

RISE UP and realize your magnificence. You are the answer to your prayers and to your cries. You have so much power within. Meditate on this, stay in your heart with this. Then ask you heart, "What am I here for? And then HEAR your call and make manifest what you came here to do."

Anastasia:  WOW, thank you.
Egy gyönyörű csoport társ küldött egy képet ma nekünk

Amint készültem elpostázni ezt, kézenfekvő volt számomra, hogy ennek a
ragyogó Lénynek kellett valamit mondania nekünk. Ezért leültem,
lenyugtattam és lecsöndesítettem a szívemet és a lelkemet, és

Anasztázia: Van valami üzeneted a csapatunk számára?

Az állat Szelleme:  A különbség köztetek és köztünk (a fehérek) az az
idő, amit mi bensőséges kapcsolatban töltöttünk Istennel, és a
csöndben megtudtuk, hogy kik vagyunk. Ezt nem nehéz megtenni. 
Ez egy út, ami szorgalmat, erőt és kitartást igényel, de gyönyörű út bárki
számára, aki egy ilyen utazásra szánja el magát.

Én a fehér állatok nevében szólok hozzátok ma, a Bolygótokon. 
 ti a Teremtőnk látványos teremtményei vagytok. 
Olyan sok lehetőség van bennetek, 
és korlátok már csak az illúzió világában léteznek. 
Terjesszétek ki a szárnyaitokat. 
Töröljétek le a port a szívetekről és a lelketekről. 
- kötelezzétek el a szíveteket. 
Az idő mostmár készen áll azok számára, akik haladnak
előre, nehézség nélkül, amit mások nehéznek találtak előttetek.

KELJETEK FEL és ébredjetek rá a nagyszerűségetekre. 
Ti vagytok a válasz az imáitokra és a kiáltásaitokra. Annyi erő van bennetek.
Meditáljatok ezen, maradjatok a szívetekben ezzel. 
Aztán kérdezzétek meg a szíveteket, "Mi okból vagyok itt? 
És aztán HALLJÁTOK MEG a hívásotokat és nyilvánítsátok ki azt, amiért idejöttetek."

Anasztázia: HŰHA, köszönöm.
Spirit Animal Whale♡°☮*´¨`*•.¸♥♡♥¸.•*´¨☮°

picture sent to us by a beautiful pod mate today

As I was preparing to post it was obvious there was something that needed to be said by this brilliant BEing. So I sat down and calmed and quieted my heart and soul and I listened.

Anastasia:  Do you have a message for our Pod?

Spirit Animal - The difference between you and we (the white ones) is the time we have spent in communion with God and in silence getting to know who we are. This is not a difficult thing to do. It is a path that takes diligence, strength and endurance but it is a beautiful path for whoever chooses to embark upon a journey like this.

I am speaking for the white animals today upon your Planet. Humans RISE UP, you are spectacular creations of our Creator. You have so much potential within yourself and limits only exist in the world of illusion now. Spread your wings. Clear the dust off your hearts and souls. PARTICIPATE in LIFE - engage your hearts. The times are made now for those to move ahead without the difficulty that others have found before you.

RISE UP and realize your magnificence. You are the answer to your prayers and to your cries. You have so much power within. Meditate on this, stay in your heart with this. Then ask you heart, "What am I here for? And then HEAR your call and make manifest what you came here to do."

Anastasia:  WOW, thank you.
Spirit Animal Whale♡°☮*´¨`*•.¸♥♡♥¸.•*´¨☮°

picture sent to us by a beautiful pod mate today

As I was preparing to post it was obvious there was something that needed to be said by this brilliant BEing. So I sat down and calmed and quieted my heart and soul and I listened.

Anastasia: Do you have a message for our Pod?

Spirit Animal - The difference between you and we (the white ones) is the time we have spent in communion with God and in silence getting to know who we are. This is not a difficult thing to do. It is a path that takes diligence, strength and endurance but it is a beautiful path for whoever chooses to embark upon a journey like this.

I am speaking for the white animals today upon your Planet. Humans RISE UP, you are spectacular creations of our Creator. You have so much potential within yourself and limits only exist in the world of illusion now. Spread your wings. Clear the dust off your hearts and souls. PARTICIPATE in LIFE - engage your hearts. The times are made now for those to move ahead without the difficulty that others have found before you.

RISE UP and realize your magnificence. You are the answer to your prayers and to your cries. You have so much power within. Meditate on this, stay in your heart with this. Then ask you heart, "What am I here for? And then HEAR your call and make manifest what you came here to do."

Anastasia: WOW, thank you.

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