
2014. április 4., péntek

Működő ingyenergia berendezés QEG - Cobra (magyarul)

"A honlap részletes gyakorlati információkat tartalmaz a QEG gyártási folyamatának szakaszairól, és kiváló hálózati eszköz kapcsolatba lépni más csoportokkal, melyek saját QEG készüléküket építik."


Mindkét konferencia nagy siker volt.
Néhány nappal a Mojiko-i konferencia előtt egy 4-es erősségű földrengés volt a térségben, ami a legerősebb volt az elmúlt 40 évben. Ez annak a tisztításnak a jele volt a konferencia hétvégéjén, amikor sikeresen megtisztítottuk a Hirosima és Nagaszaki területeket a legtöbb éteri radioaktivitástól szombaton, és sikeresen megismételtük ugyanazt a folyamatot Fukusimával vasárnap. Számos lélek, melyek csapdába estek azokon a területeken, fel lettek szabadítva, és vissza lettek vezetve a Fénybe a folyamat során.

Amikor átutaztam Hirosimán másnap, a város energetikai jellemzője nem egy olyan városé volt, amely egy atombomba robbanáson ment keresztül, hanem egy átlagos ipari városé, mint sok más nehézipari központé a világon:

Tajvanon egy nagyon erős és elkötelezett csoport volt, és pontosan akkor, amikor az örvény aktiválást végeztük Tajpej városban, hirtelen egy zivatar jelent meg a semmiből, és megtisztította a várost.

Egy videót mutatott be a Fix the World csapat a konferencián egy működő QEG (Kvantum Energia Generátor) készülékről. A konferencia után megnéztük a QEG üzemet Tajvanon, ahol a csapat elkezdte összeállítani a QEG készülék magját (baloldali kép)

Mostanra, néhány nappal később már nyers energiát nyernek ugyanarról a magról:

A Fix the World csapatot itt lehet támogatni: http://www.gofundme.com/hopegirlfixtheworldqeg

Ha valaki a saját QEG készüléket épít, látogasson el a QEG fő weboldalra: http://be-do.com/index.php/en/

A honlap részletes gyakorlati információkat tartalmaz a QEG gyártási folyamatának szakaszairól, és kiváló hálózati eszköz kapcsolatba lépni más csoportokkal, melyek saját QEG készüléküket építik.

A konferenciákon elvégzett munka mellett számos találkozóra került sor a különböző Sárkány csoportok képviselőivel. Ezen találkozók és tárgyalások során a planetáris felszabadulás fontos stratégiáinak fő szempontjairól egyeztettünk, és hogy mindez egy nagyon pozitív, hosszú távú hatást fog gyakorolni a bolygó felszínének geopolitikai helyzetére.

Cobra/Fordította: Sandal/ www.fenyorveny.hu


Nem értek angolul, de  fölteszem az egyik fenti link tartalmát ide, hátha hasznos lesz. 

QEG = Kvantum Energia Csoport  http://qeg.mit.edu/

 /Dombi Katalin



“If you Build It, and Give it Away, They will come.” QEG Full Disclosure.

QEG Core

Free energy has been released to the people.  You can choose to be skeptical if you wish, but in time (perhaps just a few short months) the reality of what is happening will become more and more apparent.
Open sourcing the plans for the QEG was a turning point for all of us. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, we would like to take this opportunity to fully disclose to The People the full background story behind the last 6 months. We could not speak about much of this before we open sourced as we had to protect our family, our energy, and maintain the integrity of what we were trying to do.

The Results in the First Week:
In the first 24 hours 20,000 people downloaded the QEG plans. Since then it has gone so viral it is hard to get an accurate count. The manual has been posted on many blogs and is thoroughly spread through all forms of social media. So far the manual has been translated into German, Italian, Japanese, Swedish and soon Chinese and Spanish.
Websites are being created with forums to help spread and share information. Here is one of them, and so far there is a lot of up to the minute info being posted here: http://be-do.com/index.php/en/
We also have a skype chat room called QEG Network where many have gathered to post and share questions. Here is a link to this room, you need to have skype on your computer and you need to have your own skype account to sign in:

We would ask for people with website skills to create networking websites so that CICU’s all over the world can connect and speak with each other. This is important to help with troubleshooting, and sourcing the parts. We need to spread this knowledge fast and help groups to find each other.

Immediately after open sourcing the Fix the World QEG family attended a Prepare for Change Cobra conference in Taipei. We showed a presentation video of the QEG working prototype. Many who attended that conference are spreading the QEG knowledge all over the world. Cobra and his contacts from the light forces came to the factory where we are building QEGs to observe the operation for themselves. They are very impressed and we have the full backing and support of the Resistance Movement. Plans for larger scale production and parts sourcing are underway.

Teams of engineers are forming in more countries than we can count to build QEG’s.  Our first hands on experience is here in Taiwan with a group of engineers, many of which came from China who plan to bring the knowledge back to China. These “Men of China” have spent a small fortune and waited for a month just to get Visas to be here in Taiwan for QEG training. They have raised a large sum of money to begin QEG production in China. We were told from a high level contact that the QEG plans will be shared with 5,000 engineers in China who will be making as many innovations on the QEG as possible and open sourcing the plans for each one.

Already we have seen plans for improvements and innovations to the QEG, the engineers of the world are taking full creative license on what can be done once you have achieved an over unity power source. Many are very excited.

One of our suppliers Torelco, is extremely excited about the high demand for processed cores, and many orders have been placed in the last week from all over the world. They are rearranging their workforce  to handle the demand and working to get the best possible price for people.  They are charging $3,000 for the complete processed core which is a great price, and does not include shipping.

We recommend Torelco for purchasing a finished core which includes laminated steel core and rotor, all mica components, magnet wire, sleeving, spacer blocks, mylar tape and outerwrap tape, 8 inch through-bolts, nuts, washers, Nomex corner insulation and toroidal winding. Since open sourcing, we have learned that our other supplier, Polaris, will charge you double for the bare generator sets. Torelco will give you a much better price for a bare core as well.   As FTW continues to roll out the distribution plan, and more connections across the world are made, we think CICUs will be commonplace and hence, QEG parts will be more accessible (many people will be making them!)

Please Watch for Updated User Manuals as development progresses. They will be here: http://www.fixtheworldproject.net/qeg-open-source-documents.html

A Special Note to those who cannot afford the parts to build a QEG.
We understand and are doing the best that we can to find cheaper parts and come up with creative ways to help make QEG’s more affordable. Some of these ideas are sponsorship programs, donated QEG’s to people in need, crowdfunding campaigns where people can pool their resources to buy the parts, and much more. This is all still very new, and in just a little more time (probably about 2-3 months) the people will have enough time to put together systems and manufacturing structures that will make them more affordable.  In the meantime, there are many that do have money and the right intentions to build QEG’s. They are helping to bring this out. And since no one owns the QEG, it is available to all, and will become more accessible over time.

FTW Next Steps for QEG
We are getting more questions than we can answer individually, and we want to help as much as we can. To help with this information flow we will be doing a free weekly radio show with James Robitaille and HopeGirl on Mission I’m Possible Radio called “Ask James about the QEG”. Here, people can call in or send questions that James and Hope will answer on the air. The shows will be archived, and we will find a transcriber to type out all of the Questions and Answers and post them in forums for others to find the answers they need. Check the radio station for scheduled show times: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio

Hope will be travelling to London to give a QEG presentation at the Alchemy Event Conference on April 11.  While in London, she will also be meeting with Sacha Stone and other members of the truth movement and New Earth Nation to collaborate bringing free energy to the world.
Our next QEG training and building will be in Aouchtam, Morocco at the One People’s Community. Many want to come to see the operation for themselves. Brian Kelly will be organizing travel accommodations. If you would like to join us in Morocco please contact Brian Kelly: http://briankellysblog.blogspot.tw/
There are many other trips and requests planned for the near future, including Peru in June. We will continue to travel as much as we can, as hands on learning is the most effective way to pass on the knowledge. However, at this point it is one of our main concerns to put together a global ‘train the trainer’ program. This would involve training engineers to build QEG’s and showing them how to train others. This way the information can spread much faster and more efficiently. Part of this program would be to strengthen our organizational structure so that we can handle the increased workload.

We are not in the prove it business, we are in the do it business. We are doing the work, teaching others how to do it and showing the process so that it is available to all. The most important thing is to get this technology directly into the hands of the people, which is what we are doing. Our working prototype will be proven to the world through the people who believe in free energy enough to do the work needed to bring it out of suppression. Therefore the people will be the ones to make the announcements, which will be more effective, and the people will get all the glory.

130 years ago, Nikola Tesla designed an over unity fuelless generator  that could provide enough power to power your home. This technology was heavily suppressed as a way to control the people of this planet through dependence on oil.  Tesla’s designs and patents are in the public domain.

Through research, study, help from others, divine inspiration, and over 30 years of electronics engineering experience, James Robitaille of the Fix the World Organization (FTW) took one 1-hour class with an organization who has been building (and suppressing) these generators for over 20 years, and was able to figure out how to build it.  We raised the money for the prototype through crowdfunding and donations from over 1,000 people who believed in us. It took us 5 months to build the prototype, and once we got raw power, on March 25th of 2014 we open sourced the plans and gave away the technology to the world.  Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself. Now that this raw power source is achieved and shared so freely, there will be many variations and improvements. Humanity will be co-developing the future of the QEG, and will be free from the enslavement of the oil and energy industries.

FTW has never, nor do we ever intend, to own or control the QEG. It is a gift to the world. Now that we have given away the technology, it is up to the people to build, research, promote, prove, demonstrate, innovate and share.  It belongs to humanity and it is up to the people now to spread the QEG around the world.  We encourage people in every country to take the initiative, organize in local teams, create forums, websites, youtube videos. Gather your engineers, your business managers, source the parts, raise the funds, and distribute them to your people. You can do so through what we call a Cottage Industry Community Unit. (CICU)

We intend to teach others to build them and if necessary, we may play a role in organizing the supply of the parts to CICU’s who are building QEG’s.  To raise the funds to start a program for global QEG training, we may temporarily sell a limited amount of pre-orders.  FTW is an organization with over 60 projects that can change the planet and help people in need. The QEG is our pilot project.

Our organization needs funding  so that we can continue our work and bring more projects to the world in a similar fashion.  This is the way we hope to get funded:  establish a give back agreement with CICU’s that are building and selling QEG’s. This agreement is a choice, not a requirement , and can be in any amount that the CICU likes and can be adjusted according to the CICU’s needs at any time.

There have been many attempts at releasing free energy technology in the past. There are many working devices that have been proven over and over again. None of them were successfully delivered to the people. We believe that there are two reasons for this: violent suppression from opposing corporations and negative human characteristics such as greed, fear and control.

Therefore, the only way humanity would have the free energy it needs to survive would be through a completely unconditional and selfless act of kindness and a social media awareness strategy. This is why FTW did it this way. If we tried any other approach, we might not have been successful at our ultimate goal: Above all we want to bring free energy to the people and end the suffering on this planet.

What has been done is unstoppable.  Free energy is here NOW. It is Real and it is in the hands of The People.  In the first 24 hours of open sourcing,  20,000 people downloaded the plans. Since then social media has allowed it to go viral at record speed. The plans are everywhere in many countries. Engineers are taking this very seriously and we expect that in the next few months, QEG’s will be popping up everywhere. There are simply too many people on this planet to suppress it; we will reach a tipping point.

This was not easy.  It began in September of last year with a “download” of information that came through my stepfather James Robitaille. He called me when I was in Australia with the news that he had figured out how to make the QEG work. I was meeting with investors in Australia who told me “If you can show us a working prototype, we’ll fund it”. But we didn’t have the $7,000 needed to build the prototype and the investors refused to help. Please understand that our family has very little material wealth (but lots of love!). We struggle to make ends meet and have debt like most of the people in our country trying to survive. We put together a crowdfunding campaign that was over funded by 300 amazing people who believed in us. This turned out to be a good thing, because in the end it actually cost us $15,000 to build the prototype.

From the moment we entered into the arena of free energy, we became a target. During the first 6 months of building the QEG our family was faced with many difficulties and negative opposition both in our personal lives and in our public life.  We believe that these obstacles were placed there as a way to try to prevent us from being successful in our goal. We had one crisis after another. Each time we dealt with the crisis and got back to working on the QEG.  We also had a lot of attacks and negative comments online. We were called every name in the book and we received death threats. Yes it hurts, especially when all you’re trying to do is help people. We know about paid trolls, and the last efforts of the cabal. We fought the negativity with every spiritual tool we had. Prayer, meditation, energy grids, Love… EVERYTHING.  We knew that we were walking into Canaan and going up against giants. In this land we could not win by our natural abilities, we needed supernatural abilities. Faith was mandatory.

There were many moments during this time where we wanted to post what we were doing, and how things would roll out. We wanted to tell everyone what the results were. We wanted to share the miracles, and answer everyone’s questions. But there was so much opposition, our family and the QEG was not yet protected by the open sourcing. We knew that we had to keep silent and wait.

Normally we try to omit negativity in our posts and not give it to much attention. However in this instance we feel that it is important to expose some of the truths that we encountered along the way to help people understand the contrast of why other attempts have failed and why ours worked.

We tried to work with some people that had decades of combined experience. These individuals thought we were moving too fast and wanted to slow everything down so that they could control it. These individuals did not trust the people to be responsible for receiving free energy, and thought that humanity should wait another 20 years until we had gotten everything “perfect” enough to release it.  We don’t feel this way. Humanity should have had this 130 years ago (or more). Its time to free the people.

We tried to work with some people that could teach us their methods of building free energy devices. These people wanted a lot of money for their knowledge and omitted information so that we would keep coming back.

We met with many wealthy people; some of them billionaires. They said they wanted to help the planet, they promised they would fund our projects with huge sums of money. They wasted a lot of our time, drained our energy, and slowed us down from achieving our goal. They believed they were wealthy because they “earned it” and that people who were poor brought it upon themselves. Therefore they wanted us to do lots of extra free work for them in order to “earn” a donation from them.  We tried to see their perspective and work with them in every way we could think of.  After 1 ½  years  we never received funding from any of them. In some cases, not even a $5 contribution to a campaign.  We have grown very weary of promises of huge funding and no longer have time to invest in chasing the dangling carrots.  Those who are serious will understand that this is not about the money, it is about the intention. Those with the right intentions could never watch someone struggle and suffer without doing something to help. In contrast, those with wealth who have contributed with the right intentions, and the 1,000+ “average” people who donate to our campaigns in small amounts and are happy to give what they can because it makes them feel good to be a part of creating this Golden Age together with us.  It is THESE people that have made the QEG possible.

We have had many people attempting to give us business advice based on their ignorance of suppression and corruption.  We were “very strongly advised” to do many things in the “traditional” way, all of which we knew were part of controlled corporate government systems.  We had to discern every decision, every conversation and every piece of information presented to us to ensure that this entire process was completely free from the grasp of those that want to suppress it.

During this time we also had many strong moments of miracles. Each and every time we thought we might fail, God showed up, the people showed up, and everyone helped.  We never lost our faith in succeeding in something we believed in.   We learned many lessons along the way. For every negative experience there were 10 amazing positive experiences. We chose to keep our focus on the beautiful messages and the beautiful support we received, and this is what kept us going in our most trying moments.  It is the reason why this whole thing worked. Never underestimate the power of kindness and love. It is far more powerful than any negativity and suppression, and the QEG is living proof of that.

A Word for the Believers:
This is the moment many have been waiting decades for .  Now it is up to each and every one of us to actively engage in doing the work.  Find parts, find engineers, find a workspace, pool your resources and work together and you can manifest this for yourselves right now. We can visualize and meditate for a QEG for a long time before we have one providing the power in our homes.  Now is the time to act in any way you can to make this happen for yourself and your people.

A Word for the Skeptics:
Please try to have an open mind. This is real and many people desperately need this. If we told you 30 years ago that everyone would be walking around with smartphones, you would have thought we were crazy. If you want to be skeptical that is your right and we can respect that. In the next few months as people start building QEG’s you will have whatever you need to feel comfortable with this change.  In the meantime we ask that you refrain from spreading negativity during the infant stages of something that so many brave souls are making great sacrifices to achieve.

A Word to the Inventors and Engineers of Free Energy Technology
We know what you have been through and we know that it has not been easy. Humanity needs your inventions and many of you need recognition and financial support for your work. The old ways of doing business DO NOT WORK. We know this because no one has free energy, until now. This can be your opportunity to get your inventions out there. If you follow our example and open source your inventions there are enough good people out there in this world that will help you have what you need, and in return humanity will have what they need and we can put an end to the suffering on this planet once and for all. We took a stand and did this. Who will stand with us?

Stay tuned here for the next post coming in the next day or two which will feature our QEG building in Taiwan. Lots of pictures and videos to show you just how real and amazing this breakthrough is!


5 megjegyzés:

  1. Elkezdtem a dokumentációk magyarra fordítását. Folyamatosan készítem, és teszem fel a http://katay18.blogspot.hu/p/qeg-magyar.html oldalra!

    1. Köszönöm Attila! Megosztottam az oldalt! Remélem hamarosan nálunk is beindul a gyártás.

  2. Ne terjedjen az illúzió! A készülék ebben a formában teljesen alkalmatlan a ki írt cél elérésére. Maximum egy hagyományos generátort tud helyettesíteni! Hamar megbukik a készülék ha átgondoljuk a működését!

    1. aznem gond ha megbukik , sőt az a jó ha megbukik, ha sikerülne mindenki számára elérhetővétenni akkor szint biztos h sok 1000 fejlesztésre kerülne sor

    2. a QEG-t már probálta valaki szabadalmaztatni? én más honnan halottam a QEG-röl / itt a link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s érdemes megnézni
